The Sunlight | Blog

What is Self-Care Therapy?
Occupational Therapy at Sunlight Wellness focuses on your everyday activities and how you engage with them. Meditation and Mindfulness are the foundation of this therapy practice, making this space inherently safe, with non-judgment, curiosity, and gentleness. We carry these principles with us as we navigate your healing journey together through conversation, meditation, relaxation, and daily occupations. This is Self-Care therapy. This is holistic therapy designed for you.

How to Connect with Yourself
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it over and over again… to you and most definitely to myself. Healing begins when we connect with ourselves. When we connect with our most inner, true, and wisest selves. Try this ultimate bath routine to offer yourself a moment of peace, regulation, and self-connection. You deserve it.

How to Practice Self-Care
Self-Care is a buzzword. But it’s so much more meaningful than your skincare routine or a massage. I look at Self-Care as a spiritual practice. As an opportunity to deeply care for me. Read more about what self-care really means as I invite you to notice with gentleness. I invite you to listen to your body, say no when you need to, and care for yourself above all else.