Puppy Treats
What do you do when you are in self-quarantine with a bunch of overly ripe bananas and the sweetest puppy ever? You make some delicious treats for your girl. They are super quick and easy to make with limited and healthy ingredients for your pup. Literally just three ingredients. Joon could probably make these herself.
A note about the Peanut Butter: using natural peanut butter ensures no additives or sweeteners (like Xylitol) that can be harmful and just unnecessary for your pup. I personally use Trader Joe’s brand of unsalted peanut butter. And a quick tip I learned from my friend Emma: A couple days before using the peanut butter, remove the foil cover, replace the lid, and turn it upside down. This causes the oil to go towards the bottom and makes it 100x easier to stir it around. After first use, store in the fridge for perfectly unseparated and easy to use peanut butter. Enjoy my friends!
1 1/2 Cups old-fashioned rolled oats
Or use oat flour
1/2 C natural peanut butter
1 large ripe banana, mashed
1 extra banana, sliced (optional)
honey (optional)
Preheat oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Place the oats into a high speed blender or food processor to create a fine flour.
In a large mixing bowl, mash the banana with the peanut butter. Add the oat flour and smash together to form a thick and well-mixed dough. If crumbly, add more peanut butter until firm, sticky, and pliable.
Place dough between two pieces of parchment paper and roll out to about 1/4 inch thick. Cut into shapes with a cookie cutter or alternatively roll into balls and smoosh with your hand to flatten out.
Bake for around 15 minutes until lightly brown underneath. At the 10-minute mark, add banana slice and drip of honey and return to the oven for 5 more minutes (optional).
Allow to cool on the tray for 10-15 minutes before moving to a cooling rack. Store in an air tight container in the fridge for up to two weeks, if they last that long!